Accessibility Portal

SeamlessDocs allows you to build a comprehensive Accessibility Portal for you to host all your information surrounding accessibility in one beautiful and accessible portal.

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Beautiful & intuitive

Customize Accessibility Statement & Forms or use our Templates

We have scoured the web evaluating different accessibility statements and commitments and then worked with experts to create a template Statement. You can also customize it with your own if you prefer. It is important to give Users the ability to access other Accessibility resources. You can either use our recommended resources or choose your own to provide as a link within your Accessibility Portal.

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reason to upgrade
Create ONE place to consolidate all your policies and forms surrounding accessibility.
form & function

Importance of an Accessibility Portal

One of the main tenants of an accessibly and compliant government organization is that you must create a conduit for communication with your constituents with accessible needs. For many governments, this means mailing lists, emails, social media, in-person visits, and more! We will create an out of the box portal for your municipality that includes the tools you need to communicate with your citizens. This will be an wcag compliant portal that houses your accessibility statement and commitment, and allows citizens to send you messages to communicate their needs and feedback. This portal has a backend management tool where you can keep track of communication, collaborate on citizen feedback, and streamline custom workflows for taking action.

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