Advanced Course

Saving Templates and Bundling Forms

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Saving Templates and Bundling Forms

Saving your form as a template allows you to duplicate your document to back it up or edit it without affecting the original. A great example would be if you have a series of forms that are very similar save for a few fields that need to be different. This will allow you to create one main version and then create multiple copies and customize them accordingly saving you a ton of time!

This Module will explain you how to:

1. Save Your Form as a Template

2. Access Your Templates

3. Bundle Forms

How to Save Your Form as a Template

1. From within the Doc Editor or Web Form Builder.

2. Go to File then Save As a Template.

3. Fill in the name, the collection, and description.

You will now have the newly created template in the template collection!

How to Access Your Templates

  1. From the Lobby, click Create and then Browse Templates.
  2. Click My Collections and navigate to the collection you created.
  3. Click on the Template you created.

How to Bundle Forms

After creating templates of your forms, you can bundle them. Bundling forms enables you to take multiple SeamlessDocs and combine them into one long SeamlessDoc. A good use case would be if you need to combine several forms that all need to be filled out at the same time into one single form improving the experience for the staff or citizen.

  1. Once you have saved all the forms as templates, go into the lobby to locate them.
  2. Click on the bundle icon at the top right of each form to be bundled.
  3. Rearrange the order of your forms by dragging and dropping.
  4. When you are done, click Use Bundle in the dialog box on the left.

Now all these forms will behave as one and will be located at the same URL.