Advanced Course

Using a Preparer

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Using a Preparer

Preparing a document allows an end user to fill out or complete a form before it reaches any of the signers in your signer workflow. This may be an applicant or someone who needs to add information to a form that is necessary for the other signers to sign off on; a preparer will not be able to sign the form. A great use case is if you have a form that requires the citizen or staff member out information that they may not readily have available like a unique ID or employee number. You can pre-fill this information on the form before they fill it out to decrease the chances of human error and ensure data accuracy. Lastly, this feature is only available on SeamlessDocs, not Web Forms.

How to Prepare a Document

1. Click View then View as Preparer.

2. Once you're in Preparer View, which looks exactly like Live View, you can complete the necessary fields.

3. After you're done, click on Submit to continue the workflow and provide your signature to confirm the preparation of the document.

Additionally, you can add /prepare to the end of any SeamlessDocs url for an uploaded PDF form and this will automatically take you into Prepare mode.

As the preparer, you have the ability to send out invites to the signer(s) of the document. After sending out the invites, your job as the preparer is complete and the signature workflow will continue.

After the prepared document is sent to the first signer, it will include a stamp saying who prepared it.

Great!  Did that change everything you knew about first signers?