Submissions Manager

PDFs, Signatures, Attachments and Payments

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PDFs, Signatures, Attachments and Payments

Now that you should be able to locate the data that your users have submitted, let's learn a little bit more about the specifics about obtaining the completed PDF of a submission, signature data, attachments, and payments.

This Module will explain you:

1.  How to Access the Completed PDF

2. How to Access Signature Data

3. How to Access Attachments

4. How to Access Payment Info

First, we'll see how to obtain the PDF of a submission.

How to Access the Completed PDF

From the list of submissions, click the paper icon next to the checkbox under the Submission Created column. This will take you to a new page with the PDF.

As you may recall, you can include eSignatures, attachments, and payments on your forms. All of these come with lots of technical information which you can also access. Let's go through how you can access all of this information easily within your Submissions Manager.

How to Access Signature Data

From the Submissions Manager, you can see how many signatures have been completed in the Signature Status column. Click anywhere on the submission to see the signature, details and status of the signature workflow.

You can also renotify the signer, or you can use the Notify a Different Signer option if you need someone else to sign the document in place of the person who is supposed to sign.

How to Access Attachments

From the same Submission Details pane, scroll to the bottom to view and click into attachments.

How to Access Payment Info

1. From the Submissions Manager click on the row of the specific Submission.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the Submission Details for payment info.

Great!  Now that you know how to fully access all of your data, let's learn how to share and export it.