Submissions Manager

Stages, Tags, and Assignments

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Stages, Tags, and Assignments


With Studio, we make it easy for Citizens and Staff to submit forms but what is the best way to handle the data after it's been submitted? One of the great features that Studio offers is a way to easily place your form submissions into Stages that can denote their status in processing.

For example, if you are processing Birth Certificate forms you can have each submission automatically start off in a stage called Received using the Submission Rule Builder then when your staff member starts processing their request they can change it into a stage called Processing and then when they've finished processing the request they could move the submission into a stage called Completed.  You can then use these stages to filter out which forms are in each Stage to better keep track of processing.

To start you will go into the Submissions Manager for your form by logging into Studio and then clicking on the number to the right of the name of the form, or by clicking on the form once and then clicking the Submissions button in the top right hand corner.

From there you will see a window on the left hand side just below the back button containing the stages. Note that it may be collapsed and will require you to click on the small arrow to open it:

From there you can click on Create Stage and type out the name of the stage and then press enter to save it and be able to create the next Stage:

As I mentioned earlier you can choose the stage that each Submission will start out in using the Submission Rule Builder. However, to move a Submission into a stage, or change the stage, you will go to the Stages Column and then click on icon there to choose the Stage or if it already exists in a certain stage you can click on the current stage to choose from the list of other stages:

Clicking on the name of any one of the Stages on the menu on the lefthand side will automatically filter all of the submissions that are currently in that stage.

NOTE: You can only have one Stage per submission, so you cannot have a submission in multiple stages at once. This in contrast to tags which let you have multiple tags per submission, but does not allow you to filter by tag.


Another of the great features that Studio offers for processing is a way to easily add Tags to submissions as a way to allow you to add custom labels to your submissions.

The list of tags will appear in a form's Submissions Manager both in a column labeled "Tags" as well as within the Submission Details panel under the "Tagged as" header.

Contrary to Stages, which can only have one per Submission, you can have multiple Tags per each Submission. If there are too many tags to display within the column, an icon will appear with the number of additional tags will appear.  You can click this icon to view all those users.

Editing Tags

You can add tags both manually on a submission-by-submission basis or automatically using the Submission Rule Builder.

How to Manually Add Tags to a Submission

  1. From the Submissions Manager, navigate to the submission you'd like to tag
  2. Either directly in the column or in the Submission Details pane, click the Add Tag icon
  3. Within the drop-down that appears, either scroll to find the desired tag or begin typing the name to search existing tags and click the desired matching tag, or
  4. To create a new tag, type in the name and click "New Tag"

How to Remove a Tag

  1. From the Submissions Manager, navigate to the submission either within the Tags column in the Submission Details Pane
  2. Simply click the X mark on the right side of the tag

How to Automatically Tag Submissions

Just like with Stages you can automatically add tags to submissions when the first person submits using the Submission Rule Builder.


Assignments allow you to designate who should be working on or reviewing specific form submissions.  When a user is assigned, they will then be able to view the submission and edit the tags and assignments on that submission.

The list of assigned users will appear in a form's Submissions Manager both in a column labeled "Assigned to" as well as within the Submission Details panel under the "Assigned to" header.

If there are too many users assigned to display within the column, an icon will appear with the number of additional users not being displayed.  You can click this icon to view those users.

Editing Assignments

You can assign users both manually on a submission-by-submission basis or automatically using the Submission Rule Builder.

How to Manually Assign Users to a Submission

  1. From the Submissions Manager, navigate to the submission you'd like to assign
  2. Either directly in the "Assigned to" column or in the Submission details under the "Assign to" header, click the "Assign to" icon
  3. Within the drop-down that appears, either scroll to find the desired user or begin typing their name to search through all available users
  4. Click the User's name and they will be assigned.

How to Unassign a User

  1. From the Submissions Manager, navigate to the submission
  2. From either the "Assigned to" column or under the "Assigned to" header in the Submission details, simply click the user's icon to remove the assignment

Note: A user will receive an email notification that they have been assigned to the submission.  The email will also contain a link to said submission.

How to Automatically Assign Submissions

Just like with Stages and Tags you can automatically assign users to submissions when the form is first submitted using the Submission Rule Builder.

NOTE: Only Owner level users can add or change a tag or stage, or assign another user, on a Submission without being assigned to that submission or given Process Submissions as a Permission. Directors and Processors MUST be assigned to a submission, or given Process Submission as a permission, to perform any of those actions.