Now that you know the basics of creating a Doc, adding fields, and setting up a signature workflow, let's dive in a little deeper with the advanced field settings.
This module will cover:
1. How to Access the Advanced field settings
2. Advanced Field Settings options
The Advanced Field Settings gives you the ability to customize the field label and its type, set the default text, format the font, and enable field validation and field encryption.
How to Access the Advanced Field Settings
1. Click on the Field you want to use.
2. In the field options toolbar that appears, click the gear icon at the far right.
Inside the Advanced Field Settings you have a wide variety of different options to customize your field.
Place Holder Text:
You can use Place Holder Text to help inform your end user what information you would like them to enter. It will appear in a text field before the enduser starts to fill it out.
Default Value:
This allows you to to fill a field out for the end user, but allow them to change the information. If the end user doesn't change this field, whatever data you enter as default will be added to the final submission.
Hover Text:
Use Hover Text for more specific instructions on a field by field basis. It will appear when they move their cursor over the field.
Field Font Formatting:
Here you have the ability to customize the font, type and color of the data entered into the field.
Special Formatting:
This tool allows you to change the appearance of a value of a field (e.g. if someone enters just numbers, you can make it show as a dollar amount).
Field Validations:
In order to prevent submitters from entering incorrect information, you can require that the data only be accepted if it fits a certain format (e.g., a field for phone numbers will only accept 10-digit numbers). You can even create a custom Regular Expression for your validation and we have an article with some common Regular Expressions.
Field Encryption:
Using this, a field's data (e.g. a Social Security #) will not appear within email notifications or the final PDF. The only way to view the value is by decrypting it in the submission manager with a key you specify. You can read more about decrypting an encrypted field here.
Now you can test out your growing arsenal of tools for forms!