Doc Editor


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Whenever you leave the calculations up to the staff or citizen there is always the chance for human error. Instead, let's save them the grief and let the form do the math for them.

You can set up calculations on your forms to ensure that any required math is done quickly, automatically, and seamlessly.

This module will cover:

1. How to Set up Calculations on a Doc

2. How to Set Values to Checkboxes and Radio buttons

3. How to Add Values to Select Menus

How to Set up Calculations on a Doc

1. First select a Text Field then click the “Begin calculations” button on the field toolbar.

2. The field toolbar will be replaced with a function bar into which you can write out your mathematical expression.

Keep in mind that you must keep the ‘=’ (equals) symbol at the beginning of any of the equations.

All of the applicable fields will appear with a unique alphanumeric. Each of these F#’s can be thought of as an individual cell such as in Microsoft Excel™.

How to Set Values to Checkboxes and Radio buttons

While you are setting up calculations on your Doc, you can also get your Checkboxes, Radio buttons, and Select Menus involved.

1. Go into the Advanced Field Settings by clicking on the gear icon on the right of the field options toolbar.

2. You’ll be able to enter a static value into the “Calculation Field” section.

If any Checkboxes or Radio Buttons are clicked, corresponding values will apply within any calculations in which the fields were used.

How to Add Values to Select Menus

1. Go to the Advanced Field Settings by clicking on the gear icon on the right of the field options toolbar.

2. Enter static values that associate with each of the options within the Select Menu. The numbers entered in the right-hand box correlate horizontally with the name of the option in the left-hand box.

How to add Calculations to a WebForm:

Although we cover how to set up Calculations on a WebForm in the WebForm Modal we wanted to include it here as well just so that you're familiar with where the two types of forms are different.

  1. In your WebForm you can go down to the Specialty Tools menu and choose Calculations.
  2. It will give you a list of all of the fields that you can use to create your Calculations and then you can create the formula using the F value associated with each field.