Using the Letterhead, Cover Letter, and Thank You page you can improve the form's context, instruction, and overall experience.
In this module you will learn how to:
1. Customize or Disable the Letterhead
2. Add a Cover Letter
3. Add a Custom Thank You Page
You may have noticed in Live Mode that your forms have a section to the left showing a logo and information about your agency. This is the Letterhead.
The letterhead contains your government's logo and additional information such as address, phone number, or email address.
The information displayed will default to your account settings, however you can change the letterhead on any of your Docs or WebForms by customizing it.
By default, your Letterhead will pull information from the Company section of your account. Please keep in mind that the Company section is only accessible by owner users. But you can customize your letterhead on a form-by-form basis to have a custom logo and contact information appear.
1. First, go into Settings in the admin bar and choose Letterhead Settings.
2. Toggle Override Account Info and you can now customize your letterhead settings for any specific Doc or WebForm.
This can be helpful if you have a department that wants to display specific information (such as contact info or logo) rather than just the default info.
A Cover Letter or Thank You Page are great for providing more instructions before or after someone fills out a form. You can also add an acknowledgement box to have the user check off that he/she has read the message.
1. Click Settings, then select Cover Letter.
2. A pop up will appear asking if you want to Enable Cover Letter; click the toggle to turn it on.
3. Add your Custom Message. Your cover letter can include headers, bullet points, quotes, change the alignment, color, and style, and embed links and images.
4. If you want to include an Acknowledgement Box, toggle that option on.
5. Click Save.
Keep in mind your cover letter will only show on this form.
You can find more information about formatting your Cover Letter here.
You can customize your Thank You page that appears once a form is completed by adding a custom message or having it redirect to another URL. For example, after a user submits a form, they can be redirected to your website or even another form to complete.
1. Within the Doc Editor click on the Settings and then Thank You Page.
2. Under Custom Thank You Page, toggle Custom Message to Yes.
3. You can now add Header Text and a Main Message with HTML.
This is great if you want to include a link for your submitter to follow after they are done.
You can learn more about customizing your Thank you page here.