Doc Editor

Custom E-mail Settings

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Custom E-mail Settings

Your applicants will largely be interacting with your forms via email, so you'll want to utilize custom email notifications to ensure a great experience.

This module will cover:

1. How to Access Custom Email Settings

2. How to Customize Signer Requests

3. How to Remove a Signer

How to Access Custom Email Settings

Simply click Settings in the admin bar and then click Custom Email Settings.

There are six types of email notifications that are based around activity on your Doc. All email notifications are sent to either the author or the signer(s) of the form, unless a recipient is added.

You can customize a few features within the e-mails:

Custom Sender enables you to customize who the emails are coming from. Here you can enter your City Name or Department Name.

Submission Notifications are sent to the document author when the first signer fills out and completes the form. It will include your custom Subject and Message along with the form data listed out, and  a completed copy of the PDF.

Submission Receipts These are similar to Submission Notifications but are sent to the applicant.

Activity Notifications are sent to the document author when there is any signer activity on a form.

Document Completion Notifications are an email containing the completed PDF will be sent to all signers in the signature workflow once the last signer completes the form. You can use this to also send it to someone who is not in the signature workflow if you want them to receive a copy after the final signer has signed.

Furthermore, you can customize the message that someone in your signature workflow gets when they are invited to sign a document.

How to Customize Signer Requests

1.  In the Doc Editor go to Signers then Manage Signers.

2.  Click on the envelope icon next to the signer that you would like to customize.

3.  Now you can write in custom invite and completion messages.

How to Remove a Signer

Should you find while customizing your invitation e-mails that you no longer need a signer in your signature workflow, you can easily remove them from your Doc.

To remove a signer from your Doc:

1. Delete any of their signature fields from the form. You can do this by selecting the field and then selecting the trash icon from the field's tool bar at the top of the form

2. Select Signers and then Manage Signers. Once you are in the Manage Signers modal, find the signer that you'd like to remove and select the trash can symbol to delete them from your workflow.