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API Alias

If you're using "Create" in the GRM to edit your submissions or populate your data from one form to another you'll need to set up your API Aliases. You'll also need to create aliases when you're looking to upload your own data into the GRM using the Template CSV.

`To set this up, you'll need to be in the Doc Editor of your form.

For each field, open the Advanced Field Settings via settings gear and scroll to API Alias to create the name.

Aliases need to be the same for specific information across all your forms, especially when using "Create" to issue licenses from applications. For example First Name fields on both SeamlessDocs must be named the same (i.e "firstname" or "first_name"). This ensures that the first name carries over from the Application to the License.

|grm|alias|api|formfill|csv|create alias|