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User Integration GRM® Updates

Next week, SeamlessGov will be performing a user migration that will impact the SeamlessDocs and GRM® platforms. To accommodate this, as well as a few other updates to the platform, there will be scheduled down time on the GRM® from 2 pm until 8 pm on Thursday, October 12th.

This scheduled maintenance is integral to lay the foundation for some exciting improvements down the road. Until then, here are some changes you should be aware of that will take effect immediately following the user integration:

GRM® Functionality Changes

  1. Groups can now include “Visitor” type users.
  2. Assignments will now be applied to “Visitor” type users.
  3. Stages & Tags:
  • Stages can now be applied on a per-form basis.
  • You will no longer be able to convert a tag into a stage or vice versa.
  • Stages and Tags will now each have their own settings panel.

Post-migration, you will be able to add “Visitor” users to groups, whereas previously, you were only able to add “Owners”, “Directors”, and “Processors”. That means, you will be able to assign, tag, and create conversations with groups that include “Visitors”.

Additionally, you will be able to assign submissions to “Visitor” users. Rather than entering in a Visitor’s name under “View Access” you will add their name under “Assign” to allow them to view and track submissions.

Updates to Stages & Tags

You will be able to create stages on a per-form basis. This means that you can set up new stages on every form, and now you will no longer need to scroll through all of the other stages for other forms.

Stages and tags will need to be created separately in their respective tabs and you will no longer be able to toggle between the two types. See the screenshots of the new “Stages and Tags” window below.

Stages Automatically Added to Workflow

Any stages created will now be automatically added to the workflow. You will no longer have to manually add or remove stages.

Design Updates

In addition to an overall sleeker design, there are a few experience-enhancing visual changes to take note of. First, tabs on the submission details drawer will be replaced by clean and simple icons. The submission details themselves are now more clearly distinguished from the field information, and “Signature Status” will have it’s own section with a clearer “tag-like” status indicator.

Single Submission View

We’ve also updated the single submission view, including more clear division of fields, signature status, and a few other overall design enhancements.

Discontinued Features

Please note, the following features and functionalities will no longer be available following maintenance:

  • Filters on Submissions and Visitor Managers

  • Sorting via submission manager columns

  • User tagging on the Visitor Manager

  • Visitor users’ ability to see submission assignments

Additional Considerations

  1. Only GRM® “activities” will be taken into account for these GRM changes. In other words, if you make a change on SeamlessDocs, it will not be reflected on the GRM® Activity Log.

If you have any further questions, reach out to your Success Manager. If you are not sure how to contact them, feel free to email or call 855.77.SEAMLESS.

SeamlessGov will be performing a user migration that will impact the SeamlessDocs and GRM® platforms. Here are some changes you should be aware of that will take effect immediately following the user integration.