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How to Customize the Digital Letterhead

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By default, your Letterhead will pull information from the Company section of your account. Please keep in mind that the Company section is only accessible by owner users. But you can customize your letterhead on a form-by-form basis to have a custom logo and contact information appear.

How to Customize Your Letterhead on a Form-by-Form Basis

  1. In the Doc Editor, select Settings and then choose Letterhead Settings from the drop-down menu.
  2. Once in the Letterhead Display Settings, turn Override Account Info to ON. This will override the information in the Company section and allow you to enter your custom information. You can also choose to Hide Letterhead.

3. Once you've turned this on, you will be able to customize the Logo, Company Name, Email, Address, and Phone Number that will appear on the Letterhead for this form.

NOTE: If you want to change the Letterhead for the whole account, you will need to update the information in the Company section.

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