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"Going Paperless" with Lee County, NC Webinar [Recording]

Information Technology Director, Kyle Edwards, of Lee County, NC discusses with Success Manager, Andrew Liebelt, the County's implementation of SeamlessGov, the process of going paperless, and much more. Kyle has been a true champion of SeamlessGov, and some of his accomplishments during launch include: converting 20+ forms in 24 hours, 17 departments with at least one SeamlessDoc, and 200 hours of processing saved.

Topics covered in the webinar include Lee County's old paper process, why the county decided to change, some before and after SeamlessDocs metrics, and a live demo of the SeamlessGov platform.

All local and state government officials considering going paperless or on-boarding a form solution should check out this informative webinar.

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Information Technology Director Kyle Edwards of Lee County, NC discusses with Success Manager Andrew Liebelt the County's implementation of SeamlessGov, the process of going paperless, and much more.