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Launch Checklist - How to Go Live with a SeamlessDocs Form

You have created your form, added all your signatures, and set up routing or GRM workflow to ensure the right person receives notification of submission. What’s next! Your form is live, you just need to distribute it to your customers and start taking submissions.

  1. End User Testing - Fill out the form pretending you are an end user, make sure there are no mistakes or points of confusion!
  2. Admin/Approver testing - Add yourself to the email routing as a test, and pretend to be the person receiving submissions. Make sure there are no mistakes or points of confusion!
  3. Internal Sign off - What department director needs to approve that this process is ready to go live? Have they given their approval?
  4. Communication - How do we want to notify end users? Good communication will help stakeholders to know that they can now go digital! Write out your communication plan and get sign off from your director. Options may be:
  5. Make public on your SeamlessGov Service Center
  6. Posting on your website
  7. Posting on your intranet
  8. Email Blast
  9. Press Release

  10. Go Live! Take the actions laid out in your communication plan, which will formally make your form live.