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Submission Stages

Submission stages allow you to track and process your form's submissions as they move through the different phases of their lifecycle.

You can create, customize, and order these stages on a form-by-form basis to mimic your specific workflow.

For example, all new submissions might go into a stage called "Incoming" where they will await further processing.

As work begins, you can move a submission into a stage called "Under Review" to indicate the process is underway. You would continue moving it to the next appropriate stage as it moves further through the workflow until it finally reaches the "Completed" stage.

Getting Started

Stages can be found in the left-side panel of a form's Submission Manager. There will also be a Stage column and a Stage section in the Submission Details.

How to Create Stages on a Form

  1. In the left-side Stage panel of your form's submission manager, click Create Stage.
  2. Type in the name of the new stage and press Enter.

How to Move a Submission into a Stage

  1. From either the Stage column or in the Stage section of the submission details, click the Add Stage icon.
  2. Either select an existing stage or click Create New and type in the name of the new stage.

Note: You can also use the Submission Rule Builder to have submissions automatically moved into certain stages as soon as they are submitted.

How to Filter Submissions by Stage

  1. From the Submission Manager, locate the Stages panel on the left.
  2. Click any stage to only see submissions within that stage.

How to Move a Submission between Stages

  1. From either the Stage column or in the Stage section of the submission details, click the Change Stage icon to the right of the current stage's label.
  2. Select the new stage.

How to Edit and Delete Stages

  1. From within the Stages panel, hover over the stage you'd like to edit.
  2. To edit, click the Pencil icon.
  3. To delete, click the Trashcan icon.
  4. To reorder, drag a stage's icon to its desired location.

Stage Permissions

Only a form's author, in addition to the account's Owner-level users, can add, edit, or delete stages for the form itself.

Processor and Director users, once assigned a submission, can move that submission into, between, and out of the stages of that form.

Click here to learn more about how assigning submissions works.
