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Submission Rule Builder

The submission rule builder allows you to send email notifications to people based on certain selections within a form, as well as assign submissions to users in the GRM and move a submission into a stage or tag.

Building Your Submission Rules

Submission rules can be built based off general submissions or by a value that was chosen or entered in a specific field. If you'd like to assign all of your submissions, regardless of what was entered, then you would want to set up your submission rule as If Always, just like in the picture below.

However, if you wanted to assign a specific field with a certain value, you would choose that field from the drop-down menu and then enter the value you'd like to base the rule off. For example if the field was Department Name, you would make the value one of your department names. If you build a submission rule off a radio button, check box, or drop-down menu, then you'll be able to pick the available answers for those fields.


You can assign a submission to a specific user, which means that your forms will automatically determine the appropriate person in your organization who needs to follow up on a submission.

To set up auto-assignments:

  1. Add any text field, checkbox, radio button, or select menus that will determine how the submission will be assigned.
  2. From the Editor View, select Add Ons and then Submission Rules.
  3. Click Add Rule and, in the "If" section, select the Field in the left dropdown box and then the Value that it must equal (or contain) on the right.
  4. In the "Then" section, select "Assign to" and then select the user or group to be assigned to the submission.
  5. For additional rules, click Add Rule and repeat Steps 3-5 for each condition and click Save.


You can also use the submission rule builder to automatically tag a submission in your GRM® allowing you to easily determine appropriate follow-up actions.

To set up automatic tagging:

  1. Add any text field, checkbox, radio button, or select menus that will determine how the submission will be assigned.
  2. From the Editor View, select Add Ons and then Submission Rule Builder.
  3. Click Add Rule and in the "If" section, select the Field in the left dropdown box and then the Value that it must equal (or contain) on the right.
  4. In the "Then" section, select "Tag Submission with" and then select the user or group to be assigned to the submission.
  5. For additional rules, click Add Rule and repeat Steps 3-5 for each condition and click Save.


You can also send Email Notifications based on certain conditions.

To set up conditional notifications

  1. Add any text field, checkbox, radio button, or select menus that will determine how the submission will be assigned.
  2. From the Editor View, select Add Ons and then Submission Rule Builder.
  3. Click Add Rule and in the "If" section, select the Field in the left dropdown box and then the Value that it must equal (or contain) on the right.
  4. In the "Then" section, select "Send Email Notification to" and then select the user or group to be assigned to the submission.
  5. To customize the email itself, click the arrow next to "Custom Email Settings"
  6. For additional rules, click Add Rule and repeat Steps 3-5 for each condition and click Save.


Last, you can use the submission rule builder to move a submission into a GRM® stage.

To automatically move a submission into a stage:

  1. Add any text field, checkbox, radio button, or select menus that will determine how the submission will be assigned.
  2. From the Editor View, select Add Ons and then Submission Rule Builder.
  3. Click Add Rule and in the "If" section, select the Field in the left dropdown box and then the Value that it must equal (or contain) on the right.
  4. In the "Then" section, select "move submission into stage" and then select a Stage that it will be moved into.
  5. For additional rules, click Add Rule and repeat Steps 3-5 for each condition and click Save.

NOTE: The Submission Rule Builder is available for standalone Web Forms or SeamlessDocs, but is not available for Wizards.

Example Use Cases

The Submission Rule Builder is a powerful feature that allows you to automate unique processes and workflows. Some example use cases to get the most out of the feature include:

  • Purchase Orders (Assign Tag based on cost of order)
  • Employment Application (Assign to hiring manager based on job chosen)
  • Personnel Action Form (Assign Tag Special Review if termination or large raise requested)
  • A FOIA request will automatically be Tagged to initiate your time-based Trigger alerts

There are some important new additions to the Submission Rule Builder. You can now automatically tag and assign your forms' submissions in the GRM® based on the selections made in your form.