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How to Customize Your Portal Pages

You can customize the way your Portal Pages will appear in your Service Center. This provides a clean and orderly look to your Service Center and makes it easy for your users to find the forms they're looking for.

To customize your Portal Pages:

Select the gear icon of the folder’s Portal Page and your options will appear. You can choose everything from the background image and the logo to the welcome message and even set permissions so that only certain users with a password can view the forms in your portal page.

To customize the appearance of each individual form's portal page:

Go to the Forms Management section and select the folder that it’s being stored in. Then select the cog for each individual form to customize its appearance.

NOTE: You must first turn on the portal page for the form itself and then you will be able to begin customization. From here, you’ll be able to create details about the form such as a welcome page, how long it will take to complete, any requirements before filling it out, and links to related forms that users may also need to fill out.

|portal page|custom portal pages |appearance|
Learn about how you can customize the appearance of your Portal Pages.