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User Types

There are four different user types: owner, director, processor, and visitor.

An owner user has complete access to an account. They can view and edit all forms, view all submissions, create tags and stages, assign users to submissions, customize the account settings, as well as update and create new users.

A director user (previously an admin) has access to all forms that they have created or that have been shared with them. They can assign processor users to view submissions in the GRM and can build and customize portal pages in the Service Center.

A processor user (previously a member) will only have access to submissions on forms they've built and that have been shared with them in SeamlessDocs or submissions assigned to them on a one-by-one basis in the GRM. Submissions can be assigned manually by owner and director users or automatically assigned using the submission rule builder.

A visitor user will only have access to view their own submissions. These are free and unlimited and can be created at the signup page.

|user|owner user|director user|owner user |processor user |grm|user types|user levels|
Learn about the three different user types within the GRM.